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Giving to Hope United

From our president:

Hope United exists solely through the grace of God and the generous contributions of people who are willing to use their financial resources as a tool to better the lives of those less fortunate than them.  Our work would not be possible without your support.  As you prayerfully consider supporting this ministry, I would like to share a few of our beliefs and some information with you:


  1. The Haitian people do not need Americans to save them; they need Americans to support them and empower them to achieve what they are already capable of accomplishing.  To that end...

  2. All money we receive is used to employ Haitians and to fund projects organized and run by Haitians.  Every American involved in Hope United is a volunteer.

  3. Hope United, Inc. (D/B/A Hope United Haiti) is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, making all gifts tax deductible.  

  4. Until recently, we used Allegro Organizational Solutions as our fiscal partner.  We are grateful for their logistical and accounting support while we were navigating the early stages of our existence, but we have now transitioned to our on payment system.


Thank you for your support!  If you have any questions about our finances, our former partnership with Allegro Solutions, or about how your money is being spent, please feel free to contact me at


Matt Weber, President

About REACH's giving portal:

REACH is a donor management system specifically set up for sponsorship-based non-profits like ours.  Their system has greatly increased our capacity to manage our student and donor information.  


The first time you give through REACH's portal, you will be asked to make an account, which you can then use to access all of your personal giving information.


When giving online, please consider using the checking/savings account option, as the fees we incur are lower than with credit/debit cards.


Checks can be made payable to Hope United, Inc. and be sent to:


Hope United

8947 Albemarle Road

Charlotte, NC 28227.  

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